Anna Cannon

Anna Cannon

Note: Faculty & staff contact information is available on the staff directory

I believe that every classroom consists of a diverse little community of learners all there for the same reason, to be respected, admired, loved, sheltered, and learn! I believe that each student has a special gift to offer to society, and it is a joy to be a part of that journey with them as they wonder through life’s experiences. It is my passion and my goal to provide my students the skills they need to succeed within and strive to seek the knowledge they need to move on to bigger and better points in their life. It is my role as a teacher to provide the materials and allow the freedom to construct their own knowledge through interests and curiosity. I will strive to teach to the needs of each individual child, so that they may experience success. I hope to offer constructive, physical knowledge lessons and activities that can make students relate to their world around them.


Athens State University, Bachelor of Art in Early Childhood Education


Class B, Early Childhood Education, P-3




I have taught grades Kindergarten, First and Third Grade here at Chapman since 2006. I am currently teaching Kindergarten.