Samantha Gorney


Note: Faculty & staff contact information is available on the staff directory

Hello, I'm Samantha Gorney. I have been an elementary teacher since 2013. I am so excited to join the Hampton Cove Hawks. My husband, daughter, and I just moved to Huntsville from a small rural town in Colorado. We came here to be closer to family! I love to spend time play sports like softball or basketball, swimming, or just watching movies. As a family we like to spend time near the beach with our two dogs Lucy and Hank. I love to spend my weekends with my daughter in the kitchen! We love to bake cupcake, brownies, and large cakes. My favorite things beside spending time with my family is the color purple, the Boston Red Sox, painting, sushi, and reading books!


B.S. Elementary Education


ALSDE Class B-Elementary Education






Byers School district 1 year -First Grade
Meeker School district 8 years -Third Grade
Huntsville School district currently -Third Grade
RAD specialized training