Luke Lamm
Mr. Lamm has been teaching and coaching for 11 years and will be beginning his 1st year at Huntsville High School. Mr. Lamm will teach Driver Education and also serve as the Head Baseball coach. He is married to Kristen Lamm and they have two children, Nolan and Audrey, with another baby boy expected in October.
Please email with questions as I am out of the building often due to Driver Education.
B.S. in Education, Martin Methodist College
Post Baccalaureate Program, Middle Tennessee State University,
ALSDE Class B Secondary Driver and Traffic Education - Health - K-12 Physical Education
Physical Education
Sparkman High School (2008-2014)
- Physical Education and Driver Education
- Varsity Assistant / Program Pitching Coach
- Head Freshman Football Coach / Varsity Assistant
Decatur High School (2014 - 2018)
- Health Education
- Head Baseball Coach