Quaynteece Mosby
I LOVE what I do! I believe that life is choice driven and this philosophy drives my work with students and families. My objective is always to help students identify their personal and academic goals along with an actionable plan to achieve them. Life is choice driven; choose wisely!
I am married to my best friend with whom I parent two terrific sons!
Master of Education - Counselor Education, Texas Southern University, Tx
Bachelor of Arts - English, Clark Atlanta University, Ga
ALSDE - Class A, School Counselor, Grade Level: P-12
TXSDE - School Counselor, Grade Level: P-12
ALSDE - Class B, Secondary English, Grade Level: 6 - 12
TXSDE - Classroom Teacher, Secondary English, Grade Level: 6-12
I began my career in education as a middle school English teacher in Pasadena, Texas. After a while, I earned credentials to work as a school counselor. In the fall of 2011, my family relocated to Huntsville from the Houston area, and I began working at Huntsville High School the following fall.