Taylor Mendenhall

Taylor Mendenhall

Note: Faculty & staff contact information is available on the staff directory

I have been teaching here at Huntsville High School for 10 years now. This year I am teaching Algebra 1 with Probability for 10th grades. I am also one of the Head Coach Reps for our Varsity / Junior Varsity Freshman Soccer teams . I feel greatly honored to be named and promoted as our schools Female Athletic Director. I love seeing my students succeed within classroom, yet even more excited to our athletes as whole succeed. I graduated from the University of Mobile with a BA in math secondary education along with a minor in theatre. I have enjoyed my time living here in Huntsville and look forward to all that this year shall bring!


*The best form of communication for me is first calling the school ext 115, or second sending an email.


B.A. Secondary Education with Mathematics



