Brandi Ashmore


Note: Faculty & staff contact information is available on the staff directory

I am a native to Alabama. I was born in Huntsville and grew up close by in Madison where I still currently live. Growing up an only child, I was very close with my parents. They are still a big part of my life. In my free time away from school, there are a variety of things which keep me entertained. My favorite thing to do is go to concerts and usually average ten or more every year! During baseball season, you can usually find me at least checking scores if not actually watching my beloved San Francisco Giants. I also love to sport my Crimson and Houndstooth during football season! Aside from those, my free time is most often spent with family or friends and my miniature dachshund named Jingle Bell.


Bachelor Of Science in Psychology from Athens State University
Master Of Education from Alabama A&M University






Madison City Schools- 1 Year
Huntsville City Schools-17 years