Jamie Langston

HCS Jamie Langston

Note: Faculty & staff contact information is available on the staff directory

Helping children develop communication skills brings everyday rewards to my students and to me. My husband and I have raised 3 adult children. My hobbies include keeping up with current events, gardening, and thrift shopping. A cup of coffee and a bit of chocolate is 
always a good idea.


M.S., Communication Sciences and Disorders (Alabama A&M University)
M.A., Communication: Media Studies (University of Kentucky)
B.A., Speech Communication (University of Texas at Arling


Class A, Speech-Language Pathologist


Pre-K, K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6


Additional Certified Staff


Speech-Language Pathologist for adults in a medical setting; 
page designer for The Huntsville Times; writer for the Huntsville News, 
managing editor for a publishing company; adjunct professor at Calhoun 
Community College and at The University of Kentucky; staff member of Cancer 
Information Society