Belissa Howard

Belissa Howard

Note: Faculty & staff contact information is available on the staff directory

I have lived in the Huntsville area for more than 25 years. I am a 24 year veteran in the Huntsville City School district. My husband is also an administrator with the district. We are the parents of 3 children, who keep us very busy. I received a dual certification in Early Childhood and Elementary Education and a Master's in Early Childhood from Alabama A&M University and completed my certification inInstructional Leadership from The University of West Alabama. This is my first year as Principal at Dawson Elementary school , where I look forward to building great relationships with the faculty and staff, students and parents. Looking forward to having a GREAT year!


BA- Alabama A&M University- Early Childhood/Elementary Dual

MA-Alabama A&M University- Early Childhood

Certification in Instructional Leadership-University of West Alabama

