Lee High School Magnet Application Information

The audition process for each magnet program is listed below.

Creative Writing: In order to complete the application process, your student must attend an audition. Please email a portfolio of varied samples of your writing (preferably pieces you wrote outside of school – including poetry, fiction, nonfiction, screenplays, etc.) to the Creative Writing Magnet Teacher Ms. Sisson. Put “Creative Writing Magnet Audition Portfolio” in the subject line. Feel free to bring additional hard copies to the audition. Please contact Lee High School Magnet Coordinator Ms. Carroll for more information about the audition process as well as specific times and dates.

Dance: In order to complete the application process, your student must attend an audition. Please bring a video of you dancing (under 2 minutes) on a thumb drive in the following formats: mov, mp4, or avi files. Please come in dance attire with jazz shoes or barefoot. Be prepared to warm up, participate in center ballet combinations, across the floor combinations, and learn a short a contemporary piece. You will be placed in small groups to perform these combos for your audition. Please contact Lee High School Magnet Coordinator Ms. Carroll for more information about the audition process as well as specific times and dates.

Media Arts: In order to complete the application process, students must attend an audition. Please email links to samples of work in video or journalism to the Media Arts Teacher Mr. Lee. Put “Media Arts Magnet Audition Portfolio” in the subject line. Please contact Lee High School Magnet Coordinator Ms. Carroll for more information about the audition process as well as specific times and dates.

Photography: In order to complete the application process, your student must attend an audition. Please bring a portfolio of your photography work with an artist statement (at least 2 paragraphs about your photography and yourself as a photographer). Be prepared to discuss your portfolio. Please contact Lee High School Magnet Coordinator Ms. Carroll for more information about the audition process as well as specific times and dates.

Theatre Performance: In order to complete the application process, your student must attend an audition. Please bring a resume and/or a portfolio of your work. Please be prepared to present a memorized monologue of your choice that is under 2 minutes and participate in an interview. Please contact Lee High School Magnet Coordinator Ms. Carroll for more information about the audition process as well as specific times and dates.

Theatre Production: In order to complete the application process, your student must attend an audition. Please bring a resume and/or a portfolio of your work. Please be prepared to participate in an interview. Please contact Lee High School Magnet Coordinator Ms. Carroll for more information about the audition process as well as specific times and dates.

Visual Arts: In order to complete the application process, your student must attend an audition. Please bring a portfolio of work samples. The portfolio should include a sketch book with sketches, self-portrait, observational drawing of a real object, contour line drawing, and a drawing with value. The portfolio should also include use of at least three mediums: pencil, charcoal, paint, 3-D, collage, chalk pastel, oil pastel, pen and ink (ink pen), colored pencil or markers. Bring an artist’s statement (at least 2 paragraphs telling about your art and yourself as an artist.) You will participate in an interview where you may be asked several questions including how art inspires you, why do you make art, or how you feel art will impact your life in the future. You will also be asked to do a still life drawing during the interview. Please contact Lee High School Magnet Coordinator Ms. Carroll for more information about the audition process as well as specific times and dates.

Vocal Performance: In order to complete the application process, your student must attend an audition. Please be prepared to sing any classical song. The following are some suggestions you may wish to choose from: Female List (“Caro mio Ben” by Giuseppe Giordani, “Nina” by Giovanni B. Pergolesi, or “Nel cor più non mi sento” by Giovsnni Paisiello). Male List (“Caro mio Ben” by Giuseppe Giordani, “Già il sole dal Gange” by Alessandro Scarlatti, or “Sebben, Crudele” by Antonio Caldara). Please contact Lee High School Magnet Coordinator Ms. Carroll for more information about the audition process as well as specific times and dates.

The Audition Rubric


Standard 1-Interest

Standard 2-Commitment

Standard 3-Experiences


Student expresses a strong interest and has a detailed understanding of the program theme.

Student expresses an evident eagerness to participate in the program theme.

Student shares a variety of past arts/creative achievements and experiences that support the theme.


Student expresses a clear interest and understanding of the program theme.

Student expresses some eagerness to participate in the program theme.

Student shares some past arts/creative achievements and experiences that support the theme.


Students expresses some interest and some understanding of the program theme.

Student expresses little eagerness to participate in the program theme.

Student shares limited arts/creative achievements and experiences that support the theme.


Student expresses little or no interest or understanding of the program theme.

Student does not express an eagerness to participate in the program theme.

Student does not share any arts/creative achievements and experiences that support the theme.