Mirji Campolongo


Note: Faculty & staff contact information is available on the staff directory

Hello! I am the new theatre technical director and this is my first year at Lee. I was born and raised in the Los Angeles area and then moved up to the Bay Area for school. I moved to Huntsville to be closer to my family who had moved out here. In my free time, I love drinking coffee with my family, reading, working on a puzzle, and spending time going out to eat with friends. I'm so excited that I get to share what I'm most passionate about and look forward to working and creating with the students.


San Francisco State University | Bachelor of Arts in Drama | Emphasis in Technical Direction


Emergency Credential: In Progress




I have experience working as a technical director in an educational setting in San Francisco and I've been involved in the Huntsville theatre community since moving here. Before Lee, I was the assistant technical director for Theatre Huntsville for a year.