Photography Magnet

he photography magnet will allow those students with more than a casual interest in photography to learn about and gain experience with many different types of photographic processes and its global impact. From traditional to experimental, and from historical to digital, students will learn about how photography functions through its most basic elements to using photography as a communication tool. At the end of the fourth year students will have a portfolio created from the diverse class projects. We team up with the visual arts magnet to go on field trips, participate in exhibition opportunities, and other extracurricular activities. There are also opportunities for photo magnet students to work with the other magnet students on projects such as documenting performances, creating headshots, and as models.


David Willmarth

How to Join / Membership Requirements

In order to complete the application process, your student must attend an audition. Please bring a portfolio of your photography work with an artist statement (at least 2 paragraphs about your photography and yourself as a photographer). Be prepared to discuss your portfolio. Please contact Lee High School Magnet Coordinator Ms. Carroll at this Email for more information about the audition process as well as specific times and dates.