Theatre Performance Magnet
The Theatre Performance Magnet provides opportunities for students to study, explore, and perform in a comprehensive program designed to prepare students to be competitive in the entertainment industries. Students will study works from diverse theatre practitioners throughout history, perform in upwards of four productions a season, and attend multiple festivals and conferences throughout the year.
How to Join / Membership Requirements
In order to complete the application process, your student must attend an audition. Please bring a resume and/or a portfolio of your work. Please be prepared to present a memorized monologue of your choice that is under 2 minutes and participate in an interview. Please contact Lee High School Magnet Coordinator Ms. Carroll at for more information about the audition process as well as specific times and dates.
Other Info
Recent Awards from the 2017-2018 State Trumbauer Festival
Contemporary Comedic Monologue, 3rd Place- Natalie Fields
Classical Comedic Monologue, 2rd Place- Jashun Gaston
Contemporary Comedic Duet, 3rd Place- Natalie Fields, Tyrell Woods