Principal News

Greetings Lions! We are over halfway through the grading period. We need your help! Parents please help us ensure your student’s academic success by reviewing Schoology with your scholar. Check Schoology with your scholar to look up missing assignments. This will help students figure out what assignments they may have missed, encourage students to be accountable, and self advocate if they have questions about assignments. We will have our Positive Behavior Intervention Supports Celebration on Sept 22nd for students who have earned points on their ROAR Card by exhibiting positive behavior in school. Students can earn points by demonstrating positive behaviors or leadership, helping their peers, and saying the pledge of allegiance during morning announcements. Encourage your scholar to get their ROAR Card signed by their teachers this week. We look forward to partnering with you to ensure your student's success! If you have questions, please don't hesitate to contact Mr. King or Ms. Steele.

Respectfully, Mr. King-Principal Ms. Steele- Assistant Principal