Principal News

Greetings Lions! We are off to a great start and a great year. Please join PTA. We would like 100% participation from all parents. This is a great way to volunteer, connect, and build relationships within the school! Please check your child’s clothing before they leave the house. Shoulders should be covered, stomachs should be covered, and no sunglasses or hats should be worn in the building. PowerSchool will be available for parents to view Aug 16th. If you need login information, please contact the front office. Please be sure to pull forward to the stop sign in car line. Students should get out of the car under the awning, and students should exit their car from the inside of carline. Thank you for keeping our students safe! We look forward to partnering with you to ensure your student's success! If you have questions, please don't hesitate to contact Mr. King or Ms. Steele.

Respectfully, Mr. King-Principal and Ms. Steele- Assistant Principal