Tenisha Cummings

Tenisha Cummings

Note: Faculty & staff contact information is available on the staff directory

Greetings Students, Parents/Guardians, Stakeholders, and The Williams Schools Community

I am extremely honored to introduce myself as the Principal of Williams Elementary School. Williams Elementary School is a special place with a rich history of Prioritizing Student Achievement through IB, Empowering Educators, and Engaging the Williams Schools Community by working together to ensure Williams Schools are the best.

As an educator for more than 17 years, I have served in numerous capacities as a teacher, assistant principal, and principal. Most recently, I served as Principal at Chapman Middle School. I have also served as a teacher and coach at Chapman Middle and Johnson High Schools. A TOSA at Goldsmith Schiffman Elementary School and Assistant Principal at Lee High School and Whitesburg Middle School.

It is my belief that our role as educators is to help every student succeed. However, this takes teachers, staff members, families, and the community committing to and investing in our children.

As our city grows, Let us continue to Grow Together as a Community. I am looking forward to meeting all of you as the year progresses. I can be reached via school phone or email.


Bachelors and Masters of Science in Physical Education-Alabama A&M University


ALSDE Class A Certification in P-12 Health and Physical Education-AAMU
ALSDE Class A Certification in Instructional Leadership-Samford University

