Chaffee Elementary News 9/25/2023

Principal's Pen

Greetings Chaffee Families,

This week is College & Career Week. It is never too early for students to think about their future path. Please help your student to participate in this week’s planned activities. We want our students to know that their future is full of endless possibilities!

Please join us for our Annual Title I Parent Meeting this week. There are two meeting options. The material shared will be the same at each meeting, so you only need to attend one meeting. Please see the flyer below for meeting times.

We are in the final days of our Raise Craze Fall Fundraiser! We have raised almost $10,000. Keep getting donations for our school and completing Acts of Kindness! Each class that completes 50 Acts of Kindness will have a cotton candy party!

As a reminder, Friday, September 29th, is an eLearning day for all Huntsville City Schools. Be on the lookout for more information from your child’s teacher about this day. All students will receive assignments that will be turned in using the method requested by the classroom teacher. In addition, K-5 classroom teachers will provide three support times via zoom to assist students with instruction, assignments, and/or answer instructional questions the students may have.

Our Lost & Found is full of items. Please remind your child to look for lost items this week. Also, it would be great to label your child’s items with his/her name or your family’s last name so that we can get lost items back to your child. All items remaining in Lost & Found on September 29th will be taken to a donation site.

This year, as part of the Alabama Literacy Act, students in 3rd grade who do not score proficient on the spring ACAP reading test may not be promoted to 4th grade. It is imperative that our students are at school daily unless sick so that they can receive their many tiers of instruction. We want all students to be successful, but we cannot educate them if they’re not at school.

Soar Eagles,

April Clark


Upcoming Events

  1. September 25-29: College & Career Week (see flyer below)
  2. September 25: Annual Title I Parent Meeting Option 1 (see flyer below)
  3. September 26: Annual Title I Parent Meeting Option 2 (see flyer below)
  4. September 28: PBIS Celebration (Bounce Party)
  5. September 29: e-Learning Day
  6. September 29: End of Quarter 1
  7. October 2: Custodian Appreciation Day
  8. October 2-6: Fall Break
  9. October 12: Report Cards
  10. October 13: Make-Up Fall Picture Day
  11. October 16-20: Fall Book Fair
  12. October 17: PTA Executive Board Meeting
  13. October 19: Grandparent Lunch
  14. October 23-31: Red Ribbon Week
  15. October 27: PBIS Celebration
  16. October 31: Book Character Parade

Chaffee's College and Career Week

September 25th- 29th 

  • Monday: Make it Happen - Teachers will talk about their college experience and display their college pennant
  • Tuesday: Your Future Looks Bright - Wear sunglasses and bright colors
  • Wednesday: Career Day - Dress up as what you want to be when you grown up
  • Thursday: College Career Day - Join Huntsville City Schools for College Colors Day; Wear your favorite college colors with pride
  • Friday: Finish Strong (E-Learning Day) - Chaffee Choices Equal Success; Choose Success and work hard on our E-Learning Day

Annual Title I Parent Meeting

All are welcome ! 


  • Title I Information
  • Alabama Literacy Act
  • State of the School


Meeting Options

Monday, September 25th @ 9:00a or Tuesday September 26th @ 5:30p in the Chaffee Cafeteria

Questions? Email April Clark.