Chaffee Elementary News 5/1/2023


Greetings CES Families,

Our students, faculty, and staff had a colorful blast at Friday’s Eagle Run. So far we have raised $12,000, and donations will still be accepted through Monday! Thank you to everyone who helped make the Eagle Run a success, especially our PTA President, Julie Morrow! If you see her, please thank her for making sure our events are amazing!

This week is Teacher Appreciation Week! I hope you will join in and help our teachers feel loved all week! There are several sign ups below Upcoming Events in this newsletter. We would love to have you help with Duty Free Lunch, provide a dessert, or send a gift card for our teachers. Thank you to everyone who has already signed up!

Please join us Tuesday evening for our PTA Meeting at 5:30, followed by Family Reading Night at 6-7:30. The Book Fair will be open from 6-7:15. Please see the flyer below for more information.

Awards Days will be held in May. Please see the Upcoming Events section of this newsletter for grade specific times. Students can earn the following awards: All As, All As & Bs, Excellent Attendance, i-Ready Reading/Math Growth, and Governors’ Physical Fitness. There will be other awards given specific to each grade level. We hope that you can join us to celebrate our students.

ACAP testing is complete! Thank you for ensuring your child was at school for these important test sessions. This week we will complete DIBELS testing for grades K-3. This test only takes about 10 minutes per student and is an excellent indicator of early literacy skills. We will also begin our final i-Ready Reading and Math tests of the school year. Each of these tests will take about an hour. We hope to see a lot of growth from the beginning of the year test. This will help our teachers to know where to start with individualized instruction for each student next year.

We have winners for the April Attendance Challenge, which will be announced to students Monday. The top grade level has won an ice cream sundae party and the top class has won a pizza party. Our May Attendance Challenge begins Monday! The top three classes will get a popsicle and (extra) recess party. We want all students at school every day unless they are excluded for a medical reason. Thank you for helping with this!

We still have many families who need to complete registration for the 2023-24 school year. Please encourage your friends to register as soon as possible. You can reach out to Ms. Cothren or Ms. Saylor with any questions. If your child’s registration isn’t complete you will be receiving an email this week to remind you to complete registration. Each Friday we draw student names for prizes to be given to those who have completed registration. Getting registered now will help us to create class lists for next school year.

Soar Eagles,

April Clark



  1. Apr. 28-May 5: Book Fair
  2. May 1-5: Teacher & Staff Appreciation Week
  3. May 2: PTA Meeting & Family Reading Night (see flyer below)
  4. May 9: PTA Executive Board Meeting
  5. May 11: Awards Day (3rd grade at 10:30am, 4th grade at 12:30pm)
  6. May 12: Awards Day (2nd grade at 10:30am, 1st grade at 12:00pm, Kindergarten at 1:15pm)
  7. May 16: Field Day
  8. May 18: PBIS Celebration
  9. May 19: 5th Grade Graduation & Celebration
  10. May 24: Report Cards & Last Day of School (1/2 Day)

PTA Corner

Teacher Appreciation Week is this week. We would love for each of our faculty and staff members to receive a gift card. If you can donate a gift card please click the link and sign up to donate. Thank you for helping make our faculty and staff feel appreciated!

Gift Card Garden for Chaffee Teacher Sign Up

Staff Luncheon Desserts and Drinks

Lunch Duty Volunteers

 Book Fair Volunteers

Teacher Appreciation Week (May 1-5)

Monday: Our teachers are the sweetest!

  • Bring your teacher a favorite candy or snack

Tuesday: Our teachers help us bloom!

  • Bring your teacher a favorite flower to make a bouquet

Wednesday: Our teachers are so smart!

  • Bring your teacher a school supply or something for the classroom

Thursday: Our teachers deserve a treat

  • Bring your teacher a $5 gift card to a restaurant or coffee shop

Friday: Our teachers need to know we love them!

  • Bring your teacher a card or note of thanks

PTA Meeting and Family Reading Night

Tuesday, May 2nd

PTA Meeting @ 5:30p in cafeteria

Family Reading Night @ 6-7:30p

*Door prizes, cookies, crafts, guest readers, book fair, book walk, and more! Students may wear school appropriate pajamas. Family Reading Night activities will be throughout the school. Families must stay together so that children are supervised.


It is vital that students are present each day unless sick. Students are allowed a limit of 7 parent sick notes a year. Students are considered truant if they have more than three unexcused absences at any time or if they have more than 18 absences for the year, whether the absences are excused or unexcused.

Please send excuse notes to your child's teacher or email them to Sarah Cothren.