Principal's Pen
Greetings CES Families,
This past Thursday our area experienced a severe weather situation that required our students, faculty, and staff to move to our areas of safety. During one of these situations, we will alert you as quickly as possible as to what is happening in our school. The best way you can help us is by waiting for communication from the school. Our office staff also needs to move to areas of safety and monitor the weather radio, so they are not always available to answer calls. Our number one priority is to ensure our students are safe and supervised. Thank you for your support in our efforts to ensure student safety.
As a reminder all HCS are closed Monday, January 16, in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr. Please take a moment to reflect with your family the impact of Dr. King’s life on our country.
Did you know that we have a Lost & Found area? It’s located near the back car line entry/exit point. Please remind your child(ren) to check Lost & Found for any missing items. We will need to donate remaining items at the end of the month.
The very best way you can help your student’s academic achievement is by making sure that (s)he reads nightly for 20 minutes or is read to nightly for 20 minutes. Reading together is fun, educational, and makes memories for years to come. I bought a children’s book for a friend yesterday, and my 14-year-old son picked it up to read it because it was one of his favorites as a toddler. Reading together is the difference maker!
Yearbooks are on sale until January 31. The price is now $35. You can order online or you can send your order to the school. Balfour Yearbook Order Site
Soar Eagles,
April Clark
Upcoming Events
- Jan. 16: Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday (no school)
- Jan. 20: PBIS Celebration
- Feb. 3: 1st Grade Rocket Readers Kick-Off
- Feb. 4: Curriculum Showcase
- Feb. 7: PTA Executive Board Meeting
- Feb. 8: Progress Reports
- Feb. 10: Auburn Raptor Show
- Feb. 14: Valentines Day Class Parties
- Feb. 17: Black History Month Program
- Feb. 20: Presidents Day (no school)
- Feb. 21: Night at the Museum PTA Meeting
- Feb. 24: PBIS Celebration
It is vital that students are present each day unless sick. Students are allowed a limit of 7 parent sick notes a year. Students are considered truant if they have more than three unexcused absences at any time or if they have more than 18 absences for the year, whether the absences are excused or unexcused.
Please send excuse notes to your child's teacher or email them to