Principal's Pen
Greetings Chaffee Families,
Happy New Year’s Eve! I hope your family has had a wonderful holiday break.
We can't wait to see our students back this Wednesday, January 3!
Don't forget that class photos will be taken Friday, January 5. This is the group photo of the class that makes a great keepsake. The order form is below. You can order online or send your order to school by January 5.
In December the state of Alabama released school report cards, and our school increased its score from a 79 to an 83!!! This is a huge gain of points, and we are not finished! Thank you for your support in moving our students. Improved attendance is one of the keys to our success. Not only does attendance count toward our report card grade, but when students are present, they are learning, which also counts toward our report card grade. Let's keep up the momentum in the new year.
The very best way you can help your student’s academic achievement is by making sure that (s)he reads nightly for 20 minutes or is read to nightly for 20 minutes. Reading together is fun, educational, and makes memories for years to come. Reading together is the difference maker!
You can purchase your child's yearbook online here. You can order online or send your order to school using the order form sent home in Wednesday Folders. There is a copy of the order form below. Don't forget that the price increases on January 1.
Soar Eagles,
April Clark