Chaffee Elementary Logo

Principal's Pen

Greetings Chaffee Families,

It was wonderful to see our students back at school this past week! Report cards were sent home on Friday. If you have any questions or concerns about your child’s grades be sure to reach out to his/her teacher.

This week our 2nd-5th graders will take a practice ACAP assessment. We are using this as an opportunity for students to learn test taking skills and how to use the online tools used for the true ACAP assessment that will be taken in the spring. Our kindergarten and 1st grade students will take the Middle of the Year DIBELS assessment this week. This assessment is one on one and takes less than ten minutes per student. Make sure your child gets a good night’s sleep and is on time each morning. We want everyone to do his or her best!

The very best way you can help your student’s academic achievement is by making sure that (s)he reads nightly for 20 minutes or is read to nightly for 20 minutes. Reading together is fun, educational, and makes memories for years to come. Reading together is the difference maker!

You can purchase your child's yearbook online here. You can order online or send your order to school using the order form sent home in Wednesday Folders. There is a copy of the order form below.

Soar Eagles,

April Clark


Upcoming Events

January 8-12: Practice ACAP Testing

January 9: PTA Executive Board Meeting

January 12: Family Skate Night at Roller Time, 6-10pm

January 15: Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday (no school)

January 26: PBIS Celebration (Glow Party)

February 2: 1st Grade Eagle Readers Kickoff
February 6: Executive Board Meeting
February 7: Progress Reports
February 14: Valentine’s Day Class Parties
February 16: ½ Day for Students
February 22: PBIS Celebration (Board Game Bonanza)
February 23: Black History Month Program

March 1: Decades Bash & PTA Meeting
March 1-7: Read Across America Week
March 5: Executive Board Meeting
March 5: Spring Pictures
March 8: eLearning Day for Students
March 8: End of 3rd Grading Period
March 11-15: Spring Break (no school)
March 18-April 26: ACAP Testing Window
March 22: Report Cards
March 25: Donuts with Grownups
March 29: PBIS Celebration (March Madness)

2023-2024 Chaffee School Picture Dates

  • March 5: Spring Pictures

  • April 5: Kindergarten Cap & Gown Pictures

Join Our PTA

We need you to get involved to help our school be the best in Huntsville! Our goal is to have 100% PTA Membership this year. PTA Membership.

What's Up in P.E. this January

Hello Golden Eagles! It's  Coach B. Happy New Year ! I hope you all had a great holiday break. This month our 2nd-5th graders will be learning skills to play floor hockey. Our K-1st graders will be learning locomotor movements (skipping, galloping, hopping, leaping, etc.). I am looking forward to a fun second semester.