Chaffee Elementary School Logo

Principal's Pen

Greetings Chaffee Families,

I hope that you took the time to review your child’s progress report and ACAP scores (grades 3-5 only) that were sent home Wednesday. Please reach out to your child’s teacher should you have any questions and/or concerns.

We look forward to seeing you tomorrow morning at Muffins in the Morning, followed by our Parent Focus Meeting, Parenting Picky Eaters, beginning at 7:20am. This is a free event made possible through PTA memberships and PTA fundraisers! Please park at Community Fellowship Baptist Church and enter through the cafeteria doors at the back of the school. There are a few handicap parking spots in front of the school. Please only use these spots if you have a handicap placard. You can use the sidewalk between the fenced playground and the school to walk around to the back of the school. If you haven’t yet joined PTA this year there will be a membership table set up in the cafeteria where you can join for as low as $8!

This year, as part of the Alabama Literacy Act, students in 3rd grade who do not score proficient on the spring ACAP reading test may not be promoted to 4th grade. It is imperative that our students are at school daily unless sick so that they can receive their many tiers of instruction. We want all of our students to be successful!

Our Eagle Run fall fundraiser is underway! Our goal is for every student to raise $50. Keep getting those sponsorships. See the flyer below for more information!

This month is Attendance Awareness Month! Please remember how important it is to get your child(ren) to school every day and on time. We know from research that attendance in school is extremely important to every child’s success and is strongly associated with academic, behavioral, and social success. Chronic absenteeism is defined as missing 18 or more days of school for any reason- including excused and unexcused absences. We need your support by having your child attend school every day possible. If your child is ill and must be out, please send in a doctor or parent excuse within two days of returning to school. We appreciate your help with this! We love your kiddos, and we want to see them daily!

Soar Eagles,

April Clark


Upcoming Events

September 9: Muffins in the Morning & Parent Focus Meeting

September 13: Student Council Officer Election

September 20: Chaffeetopia
September 26: Eagle Run
September 27: PBIS Celebration

September 27: ½ Day for Students; End of 1st Grading Period

September 30-October 4: Fall Break (No School)

October 8: PTA Executive Board Meeting
October 10: Report Cards
October 11: Make-Up Fall Picture Day

October 11: Parent Focus Meeting
October 14-18: Fall Book Fair

October 15: Chaffee Curriculum Night
October 17: Grandparents Lunch
October 28-November 1: Red Ribbon Week
October 31: Book Character Parade