Chaffee Elementary School Logo

Principal's Pen

Greetings Chaffee Families,

I hope your family had a fun and restful Fall Break. We look forward to seeing our students back at school tomorrow to begin the second quarter of the school year.

Our Eagle Run fundraiser is almost over! Tomorrow is the final day for money to be turned in at school and online, and we are so close to meeting our halfway fundraising goal of $10,000! Our goal is for every student to raise at least $50. Keep getting those sponsorships. See the progress tracker and flyer below for more information! Funds raised through the Eagle Run will directly support our students! Register your child here and share his/her link with your family members!

This week we will have fun dress up days for Hispanic Heritage Month. Please see the flyer below for the details. Our students will also attend a Hispanic Heritage Month Celebration Friday afternoon!

We can't wait to host our Grandparent's Lunch on Thursday, October 17! If your child's grandparents are unable to attend, please know that we welcome any special adult(s) in your child's life. Lunch is pre-order only and orders are due by Wednesday, October 9. The order form was sent home prior to fall break. If you need another copy, please reach out to your child’s teacher or the front office or see the flyer in the newsletter below. Online orders can be made here. You can also order a special lunch for your child or (s)he can eat school lunch. School lunch will not be available to our adult guests. Guests should arrive 15-20 minutes before the grade level lunch time and check in at the front office with their identification. The Book Fair will be open for shopping too!

Please remember that students need tennis shoes/sneakers for PE daily. Wearing proper shoes prevents injuries.

Soar Eagles,

April Clark


Upcoming Events

October 7: Eagle Run Fundraiser Ends--All Money Due

October 7-11: Hispanic Heritage Dress Up Week (see flyer below)

October 8: PTA Executive Board Meeting
October 10: Report Cards
October 11: Make-Up Fall Picture Day

October 11: PBIS Celebration (make up from Sept. 27)

October 11: Parent Focus Meeting: Digital Citizenship Week Kickoff (see flyer below)

October 11: Hispanic Heritage Month Presentation
October 14-18: Fall Book Fair

October 15: Chaffee Curriculum Night (see flyer below)
October 17: Grandparents Lunch (see flyer below)

October 17: Grissom High School Homecoming Parade
October 28-November 1: Red Ribbon Week
October 31: Book Character Parade

November 1: Pajama Day

November 1: PBIS (BINGO Palooza)

November 1: Fall Festival & Auction

November 4: Holiday Pictures

November 5: PTA Executive Board Meeting
November 8: Veterans Day Program
November 11: Veterans Day (No School)

November 14: Progress Reports

November 21: Parent Focus Meeting
November 21: Thanksgiving Lunch
November 25-29: Thanksgiving Break (No School)