Principal's Pen
Greetings Chaffee Families,
I hope your family had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Our students have 14.5 school days left this semester, and we need to make the most of these days. Students should be at school each day unless excluded for sickness. Excessive absenteeism has a negative impact on a student’s academic, social, and mental health growth. If your child is absent, please email or send an excuse note within 2 days of the absence. Students should arrive to school by 8am daily. Repeated tardiness has a negative impact on learning as our teachers begin teaching promptly at 8am. Being tardy also prevents students from eating breakfast as breakfast ends at 8am. We want all of our students at school ready to learn each day so that they have the best possible education that they can have. We love them and miss them when they are not with us! Please reach out if you have questions about attendance or tardiness.
I would like to congratulate Ms. Courtney Fudge on being selected as the Chaffee Teacher of the Year. I would also like to congratulate Ms. Jenn Egnew on being selected as the Chaffee Support Person of the Year. We are so grateful for all Ms. Fudge and Ms. Egnew do to help make Chaffee a wonderful place!
As you may be aware, the Alabama State Department of Education (ALSDE) released its A-F Report Cards for the 2023-2024 school year. Chaffee scored an 82 (B) for the 2023-24 school year. This grade is based on ACAP test proficiency, ACAP test growth, English Learner progress, and chronic absenteeism. Our Federal Report Grade is an 85. We have had a steady score for two years now, but I know we can score higher this year! With your support I believe we will see Chaffee’s grade rise significantly next year.
Our Penguin Patch Holiday Shop will be open December 2-6, and we need volunteers (parent, guardians, grandparents, etc.) to help students shop. Please volunteer here. You will love shopping with our students!
We are asking that each student donate $1 as part of our Holiday Collection. This money will be used to present our custodians, cafeteria nutrition workers, and other support staff with a gift from the school this holiday season.
Lost & Found is full!! Please remind your child(ren) to go by and collect their missing items before everything is donated on December 20!
Yearbooks are on sale now! The price will go up on January 1. Please see the flyers below for more information.
Soar Eagles,
April Clark
Upcoming Events
December 2-6: Penguin Patch Holiday Shop (see flyers below)
December 3: PTA Executive Board Meeting
December 6: Spelling Bee
December 12: Staff Holiday Lunch (Duty Free)
December 13: PBIS Celebration (Crafts, Cake, and Pajamas)
December 17: Holiday Program & PTA Meeting
December 19: Holiday Class Parties (see flyer below)
December 20: Last Day to Order Soaring Shout Out for Yearbook (see flyer below)
December 20: ½ Day for Students; End of 2nd Grading Period
December 23-31: Winter Break (No School)
December 30: Deadline to Order a Yearbook for $30 (see flyer below)
January 1-3: Winter Break (No School)
January 3: Teacher Work Day
January 6: Students Return to School
January 7: PTA Executive Board Meeting
January 9: Report Cards
January 14: Parent Focus Meeting
January 17: Class Pictures
January 17: Spring Fundraiser Kick-Off
January 20: Martin Luther King, Jr Holiday (No School)
January 31: PBIS Celebration (Glow Party)