Principal's Pen
Greetings Chaffee Families,
I hope your family had fun in the snow! We look forward to seeing our students back at school tomorrow! Please make sure laptops are charged and backpacks are packed and ready for tomorrow morning.
This week our students will take part in the middle of the year i-Ready Reading testing. The test will be broken apart across two days this week, for a total of about an hour. We will take the i-Ready Math test next week. Please encourage your child to do his/her best. Our i-Ready Winter Carnival is scheduled for Friday, February 7!
We will have class photos made this Friday! An order form was sent home in last week's Wednesday Folder. An informational flyer is below.
We want our students to be Number Ninjas! Keep practicing math facts with your child(ren)!
Did you know that we have a Lost & Found area? It’s located near the back car line entry/exit point. Please remind your child(ren) to check Lost & Found for any missing items.
The very best way you can help your student’s academic achievement is by making sure that (s)he reads nightly for 20 minutes or is read to nightly for 20 minutes. Reading together is fun, educational, and makes memories for years to come. Reading together is the difference maker!
Please remember that students need tennis shoes/sneakers for PE daily. Wearing proper shoes prevents injuries.
Is your 3rd-5th grade student interested in applying to be on our Robotics Team? Mark your calendar for our parent meeting on January 13 (see the flyer below for more details).
Each day we remind students to make Chaffee Choices: Cooperate with Others, Engage in All Tasks, and Show Respect. Please reiterate these school expectations at home. Our students have excellent behavior at school, and we want that to continue. Your partnership in reminding students of behavior expectations is vital to student success. Later this month we will have our PBIS Celebration, and we want all students to earn this celebration. It’s going to be a very exciting Glow Party!
You can purchase your child's yearbook online here.
Soar Eagles,
April Clark