Chaffee Elementary School Logo

Greetings Chaffee Families,

It’s the last week before spring break, and it’s Read Across America Week. During this week we celebrate the joy of reading as we welcome numerous guest readers to read to our students. Students are invited to dress for each day’s theme (see flyer below). I’m looking forward to a wonderful week!

As a reminder this Friday is a ½ day for students, with dismissal at 11:30am.

Registration for the 2025-26 school year is now open. A snapcode was sent to the primary email address on file. Please complete registration as soon as possible so that we can plan for next year. The district will determine our number of teachers for next year based on registration. We would love to earn additional teachers so that our class sizes decrease. Please encourage your friends to register as soon as possible. You can reach out to Ms. Cothren or Ms. Carter with any questions.

Spring ACAP Testing is right around the corner--see the testing schedule below. Please make sure students arrive to school on time, eat a healthy breakfast at home or at school, and have a charged laptop. Please encourage your child to do his/her best. Every test is practice for the next test!

Chaffee & the Chocolate Factory was originally scheduled to end on March 3, but we still have about 30 boxes of candy to sell. We are going to extend the closing date to Tuesday, March 18. This means you can sell chocolate over spring break! Our goal was to sell 315 boxes of chocolate, but we ended up with 365 boxes to sell and want to sell them all to raise money for our school. Keep up the great work!

Our attendance has been great for the past few weeks. It is so important for our students to be at school daily unless excluded for medical reasons. Once a student misses more than 17 school days, (s)he is considered chronically absent, which counts against our school on our state report card grade. Missing 18 days of school a year is roughly two days a month. There is so much learning going on every day, our students can not afford to miss two days of school a month. We do have Truancy practices in place that I must follow to address unexcused absences and chronic absenteeism. If your family has a special circumstance, please reach out to me so that we can make a plan to support your student. Last year we had 25 students who were chronically absent. We want to cut that number in half this year! We hope everyone stays healthy for the remainder of the year!

Soar Eagles,

April Clark
