Two cadets in red  shirts in sitting at the the table helping a student with math

The Eagle Battalion assisted Ridgecrest Elementary in their Math Night event. The evening was a huge success with a good turn out of several students and parents.

Mathnasium was established in 2002 and now operates nearly 1,000 learning centers nationwide, providing personalized math tutoring in 1,000’s of locations.

The Eagle Battalion was honored to take part in helping the younger students having fun as they learned different strategies and techniques to accomplish their math goals.

Submitted by: CSM Nate Bartee

Math Night Sign in Red, black and white2 cadets in red shirts sitting across from elementary students helping with mathCadet in red shirt haping student in pink shirt next to her and one student across the table from herCadet in read shirt help kindergarten student standing across table from her Cadet in black jacket and red pants standing over three students helping with mathCadet sitting at the table with two students helping with mathCadet Alyssa in green shirt helping 3 students at table  helping  with mathCadet in black jacket sitting at table helping 3 students with math

Cadet sitting at table helping 2 elementary students with math