Cadets in uniform standing on stage with three flags at the Change of Command

The Columbia High School JROTC “Eagle Battalion” conducted it’s Change of Command Ceremony Friday to between Outgoing Battalion Commander and Command Sergeant Major C/LTC Jessica La, CSM Severo Daniel to Incoming Battalion Commander and Command Sergeant Major C/LTC Joshua Howell and CSM Michael Garcia.

On behalf of all the cadets, thank you to the outgoing command team for your dedication and commitment to the program over the last past four years. We welcome the new leadership and looking forward to continuing to grow as a program.

Submitted by: CSM Nate Bartee

Cadets in uniform standing at attention on stage during Change of Command CeremonyJROTC “Eagle Battalion” conducted it’s Change of Command Ceremony  with instructors on the endCadets standing on the stage the at attention with flags behind themCadets standing on the stage the at attention with flags behind them