Eagle Batallion holding flags presented colors at Tut Fan Nursing Home for Veterans Day
6 Medals and awards , 3 blue and 3 greenwon at the Inaugural Theatre Competition
Picture of students in the lawn at the University of Alabama during engineering Day
Students sitting in the lobby auditorium at Columbia High enjoying pizza and cupcakes
4 students standing around a lab table with microscope learning about chromosomes at HudsonAlpha Institute
Students receiving treats from parent with trunk door up  getting treats out to students
Ms. Kelly pictured in the middle of three men from NASA holding up a check
Band members in parking lot of Columbia practicing for homecoming
3 members of the Columbia Esports team standing behind table helping a student at the Riley Center during their Spooktacular event
Students inforensic science class in the lab performing a hair analysis
Band members in uniform from Columbia High School standing on the field at Bekmar with trophies in front of them on the ground
2 students from Columbia with Councilman, Principal and Wrestling Coach holding check
3 students from Columbia High School standing with the University of North Alabama mascot
Students in biology lab using virtual reality headsets for lesson
Columbia High School 7 Hispanic Heritage Dancers dancing in the gym for a group of students
Stdents from Columbia standing, looking on with green power car at competition on track at Whitesburg Middle
2 students hugging with face painted at the hispanic celebration outside of Ridgecrest Elelmentary
Columbia High Mariachi Band performing outside the school
Branden Gaddis, from The College and Career Manager with Madison County United Way  Visiting  Boys  sitting in front row and mentor speaking behind poster
JROTC students holding flag in JROTC room