I pray everyone had a great week! We had a great week of learning and growing at CES!
Registration for the 2023/24 school year is now open!
Please click here to register or re-register!
Returning student registration requires a snapcode to access the record. Snapcodes are emailed on Fridays to the addresses we have on file for custodial guardians. Please contact the school for assistance. We only have 63 completed registrations for the 23/24 school year!
Domino's Pizza
The HCS Child Nutrition Program is proud to announce that starting on Monday February 27, 2023, Domino’s Smart Slice Pizza is going to be served in the lunchroom during lunch every two weeks in all Elementary and Middle Schools. Domino’s Smart Slice pizza contains unique ingredients that are available exclusively for schools. Each pizza is made by hand and delivered hot from the local Domino’s store. Domino’s Smart Slice meets all USDA guidelines and will help give your kids the energy to learn, play and grow! Challenger Elementary students will be able to purchase and enjoy on March 1st!
Dates to Remember:
24th - PBIS Celebration
28th - PTA Meeting - Black History Program
1st – Domino’s Pizza
2nd – ACTE Coding Competition – 5th grade students only
13th – 17th – Spring Break
Thank you for all you do!
Love ya'll!