Hello Challenger Elementary Family,

We hope you all having an amazing weekend!

Thank-you to all the parents and guardians who attended our K-3 Alabama Literacy Act Meeting. We hope the information provided valuable insights about the Alabama Literacy Act and helped you discover ways to support your children’s learning at home.

We are also deeply grateful to everyone who participated in and attended our Veterans Day activities. We honor and thank all Veterans for their service to our country and extend our appreciation to the active military members currently serving.

Upcoming Events:

- Teacher & Staff Thankful Feast
On Wednesday, November 20th, we will host a Thankful Feast to celebrate and show appreciation for our incredible teachers and staff!

Volunteer Guidelines:
Plan to arrive a few minutes early for your class's lunch period. Please sign in at the front office upon arrival. Volunteers can meet at the classroom to assist with escorting students to the cafeteria and remain for the lunch period.

- Thanksgiving Family Luncheon
We are thrilled to invite families and guests to our annual Thanksgiving Family Luncheon on Thursday, November 21st. Please check the flyer below for grade-level times.

  • Payment Methods: The cafeteria accepts cash and check only.

  • Visitor Prices: $4.65 (Child); $4.75 (Adult)

School attendance matters! School starts at 8 a.m. sharp. Please have your scholar at school by 8 a.m. daily. Tardies add up, as instruction begins promptly at 8 a.m. Tardy and attendance letters will be sent home weekly. Should you receive a letter for a conference, you will meet with school administrators to discuss your scholar's absences and how we can better support them in getting to school. Please remember that we can only accept up to 7 parent excuses per school year, and vacations/trips are not excused absences. Late check-ins and early check-outs can disrupt your child's learning, so please be mindful of this as you plan. You can view the HCS year calendar for our scheduled breaks. Submit your excuses to the front office or email them to Danna Freeman and Kendra Humphrey, including your child's classroom teacher.

Don't hesitate to contact me or the school with any questions or concerns; we are more than willing to help!

Here's to a great week of learning and growing at CES!

Love yall!!
Go Eagles!