What is PBIS?

You all have heard your children say, 'Gold Standard” or “Gold Friday.'  Now you also hear your students use the term 'PBIS' or 'SOLID GOLD'.  Well, GSES PBIS committee has been hard at work streamlining PBIS for GSES.  Huntsville City Schools as a district encourages implementation of the PBIS framework to fidelity.  PBIS stands for Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports. Goldsmith-Schiffman has a mission statement, behavioral expectations- the 4R's, grade level classroom reward systems, we reward student with coupons or Gold Standards, and we earn 'Gold Friday'- 30 minutes of fun activity time.  The students are taught our 'PBIS'- Positive Behavior Interventions and Support” behavior expectations.  

Students also enjoy our 9 weeks incentive that is recommended by PBIS. GSES refers to this as our 'SOLID GOLD' celebration. The theme will be different each 9 weeks.  Our SOLID GOLD celebrations for 2022-2023 are planned for October 14th, December 9th, March 24th, and May 19th. The criteria for earning a 9-week celebration is one positive bloom referral from a teacher and the student would earn 6 or more out of a total of 8 weekly Gold Friday events.  If a student is unable to attend the celebration, they will attend regular P.E. during the celebration.  Thank you for your PBIS support!