Principal's Message 2-13-23

Grissom Parents & Students,  

Valen-grams for sale tomorrow!

SGA is selling “Valen-grams” for delivery during WIN/lunch on Valentine’s Day. Valen-grams are a message for your student’s valentine, including a carnation OR a full size candy bar for $2.00, or both for $3.00. Valen-grams may be purchased on Monday during WIN/Lunch at the end of CC Hall, or at the end of F Hall (by Mr. Mercieca’s office). Cash only.

School registration for the 2023-2024 school year is now open! Parents should have received an email this week from PowerSchool to complete the online forms. Please upload a current utility bill with your name, date, and address visible when submitting your registration. If you cannot upload the document, a copy can be dropped off in the main office with your student's name or emailed to our Registrar:  All students must provide proof of residency every year. Complete the registration now to avoid the many email reminders!

Course registration forms for the 23-24 school year are due on March 3rd.  Counselors will continue to visit English classes for grades 9-11 for the next two weeks to help students select courses for their schedule for next year.  Please talk this over with your student and help them choose a balanced schedule.  Course information including course fees and pre-requisites can be found in Huntsville City School's High School Course Catalog.  

GHS Curriculum Showcase!

On Thursday, February 23, 2023, we will have a Grissom Curriculum Showcase for current and incoming students.  Grissom Teachers will be present to answer any questions regarding core classes or elective classes.  The showcase will take place in the Grissom cafeteria from 6:00 – 7:30 p.m. 

Schedule for this Week 2/13-2/17: 

  • Monday - A Day
  • Tuesday - B Day
  • Wednesday - A Day 
  • Thursday - A Day 
  • Friday - B Day


Please make sure you send an excuse note for your child whenever they have been absent.  If you have questions regarding your child’s attendance, please contact the grade level administrator.

Please check your child’s attendance to ensure accuracy.  You may do this through Powerschool.  Please provide an excuse note when your child is absent.  You may email Laura bell for attendance issues or notes.


Please make sure your student driver has a visible student parking pass/hangtag in their vehicle while parking on campus.  Any vehicle without a parking permit will be towed at owner’s expense.  If your child needs a parking pass, please follow the directions below:


Student drivers must have a parking decal to park at Grissom high School.  Please click the parking registration link to register.  You must also pay the $20.00 parking fee.  Once registration and payment are complete, the student may pick up the parking decal in the attendance office with Mrs. Varmette


If you have questions regarding computers, please email our IT tech, Gail Meyers.

Weekly A/B Schedules:

  • Monday & Thursday are always A Days
  • Tuesday & Friday are always B Days
  • Wednesday rotates weekly

Daily Schedule:

  • Morning Bell 8:20 
  • 1st Block 8:30 – 10:00 
  • 2nd Block 10:05 – 12:05 
  • 3rd Block 12:10 – 2:10 
  • 4th Block 2:15 – 3:40 

Cafeteria Information

Grissom High School and Huntsville City Schools are committed to offering nutritious meals each day to our students.  School meals and menus are created by the HCS Child Nutrition Program department and adhere to government health guidelines.  Please see the link for the HCS August Lunch menu.

If you have questions or concerns regarding our school meal program, please email Grissom High principal, Jeanne Baird Greer or our HCS CNP director,

Dress Code

Please make sure your child is ready for school and adhering to dress code.  Please remember that SHORTS MUST BE MID-THIGH LENGTH. Mid drift shirts and spaghetti straps are not permitted.  Pajamas are not to be worn at school.  Also, Grissom High School is a “No Cell Phone Zone” from 8:30 a.m.-3:40 p.m.  Phones will be allowed during lunch time only. Pajamas are not allowed at school.

Breakfast & Lunch: 

Please use the link to apply for free/reduced lunch for the 2022-2023 school year.

Counselor and Assistant Principal Assignments 

9th Grade  

10th Grade  

11th Grade  

 12th Grade  

Teacher Conferences:

If you need to schedule a conference with a teacher, please reach out to the teacher for a date and time.  If you need to schedule a conference with 2 or more teachers, please contact your student’s grade-level counselor.   

Addressing Concerns:

It is always best to handle concerns at the lowest level possible.  This will ensure concerns are addressed in a timely and efficient manner.  Our faculty and coaching staff are trained professionals, dedicated to supporting their students.  Please give the teachers and coaches an opportunity to resolve issues at the classroom level first.  

Step 1. If your concern involves your student’s teacher or coach, please email that teacher or coach first.  You may request a conference or try to resolve the issue via email.   

Step 2.  If after attempting to resolve your concern with the teacher or coach you feel your concern is not resolved, please contact the appropriate grade-level assistant principal. 

Step 3.  If after attempting to resolve your concern first with the teacher and second with the appropriate grade-level assistant principal you feel your concern is not adequately addressed, please involve the principal, Mrs. Jeanne Greer.  Appointments may be made through the office manager, Mrs. Laurie McGuffey,  

Jeanne Baird Greer 


Grissom High School 

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Grissom High | 1001 HAYSLAND ROAD SW, HUNTSVILLE, ALABAMA 35802 | 256-428-8000