IB Students of the Month- Balanced

The IB Learner Profile for the month of January was Balanced. A student who is balanced understands the importance of balancing different aspects of our lives- intellectual, physical, and emotional- to achieve well-being for ourselves and others. He recognizes our interdependence with other people and with the world in which we live. Congratulations to the following students for being chosen by their teachers as January IB Students of the Month: 

  • PreK- Marc O. 
  • Kindergarten- Christopher M. and Michael B. 
  • 1st Grade- Franklin N. and Amaya W. 
  • 2nd Grade- Mariana H. and Philip M. 
  • 3rd Grade-Jonathan N., Jayden G, and Fritz A. 
  • 4th Grade- Sydney J., Taryn W., and Bradley H. 
  • 5th Grade- Daila H, and Alexander W.