GHS Community,

This is the last week before Semester Exams! The schedule for the week is ABBAB.

Exam exemption forms will be available for students starting this Monday. Copies can be picked up in the Front Office or Attendance Office. These forms will require signatures from the student, parent, and teacher, and must be turned into the teacher at least one day prior to the exam. For a student to qualify for exam exemption, they must meet the following criteria:

  1. 3 unexcused tardies = 1 unexcused absence

  2. No unexcused absences in the class

  3. Minimum 85% semester average in the class

  4. Students may exempt up to 2 exams per semester

  5. An exam in a course may only be exempt once each year\

  6. No in-school or out-of-school suspensions during the year

  7. Exemptions are not permitted in any AP classes

Huntsville City Schools is asking eligible families to complete the Federal Impact Aid Survey Form electronically. If you live/work on Redstone Arsenal, are on active duty in the US Armed Forces, or live in federal/public housing, please see Huntsville City Schools events page for instructions..

Upcoming Events

  • Mon., Dec. 9 - Bowling vs. Columbia & Hazel Green @ Pin Palace (3:00 PM)

  • Tue., Dec. 10 - Girls Wrestling @ Randolph (5:00 PM)

  • Tue., Dec. 10 - State Superintendent's Visual Art Show @ Huntsville High School Cafeteria (6:00 PM)

  • Tue., Dec. 10 - Grissom Choir Winter Concert in the Auditorium (7:00 PM)

  • Wed., Dec. 11 - Desegregation Advisory Committee Meeting in the Media Center (6:00 PM)

  • Fri., Dec. 13 - Girls/Boys Basketball @ Albertville HS (4:00-7:30 PM)

  • Sat., December 14 - GHS Theatre presents The Best Christmas Pageant Ever (2:00/5:00 PM)

  • Sun., December 15 - GHS Theatre presents The Best Christmas Pageant Ever (2:00 PM)

  • Sat., Feb. 8 - HCS Curriculum Showcase @ VBC East Hall (9AM-12PM)

Let's have another great week at Grissom!

"Virgil I. Grissom High School partners with the community to educate, prepare, and empower students to achieve their full potential as responsible and productive citizens."