Hawk News from The Principal 3/20

Welcome back!!

We hope you had a rejuvenating Spring Break! Tomorrow we will begin the final 9-week period for the 22-23 school year. All student AR goals will be reset. We are extremely proud of the challenge the students have accepted and are surpassing. We can't wait for the kids to see where they will be going for their mystery field trips (only if they met their second, third, and fourth nine-weeks goals).

Students will begin taking the ACAP assessment the week of March 27th. As we have done in the past, we are asking that there are no visitors for lunch until after testing is complete. We completely alter our schedule for testing and this alleviates confusion. Additionally, your teachers have asked that you send a letter of encouragement for your student to read on the morning of their test. This provides some calm for the students and they look forward to reading your letters of support.

We have several exciting things planned for these nine weeks and appreciate your support in these endeavors.

Registration for the 2023-2024 school year is open!

Please continue to inform us if your student tests positive for COVID.

Upcoming Dates:

  • March 24 - Last day for visitors until Testing is complete
  • March 27 - ACAP/Alternate Schedule Begins
  • April 7 - E-Learning Day
  • April 8 - Last day to purchase yearbooks
  • April 14 - Purple Up Day! Wear purple to support our military families!
  • April 14 - K for A Day (23-24 K students only; more details to come)
  • April 20 & 21 - Spring Pictures ( more information to come)
  • April 26 - Reading Night
  • May 19 - Spring Fling
  • May 24 - Last student day

Please check our website, Facebook page, and the PTA Facebook page for updates.

Thank you so much for your support,

Dr. Perkins