Principal's Message (February 13)
  • We need your help! Please do not make appointments for your children during ACAP. We need all our students at school.  Projected ACAP Dates for 2022-2023:  6th Grade March 27 - 31 and 7th & 8th Grade April 3-6
  • Is your child attending a HCMS or a Huntsville City School next year? It is time to register (Even if they are a current student - you still need to register for next year!)
    Snap Codes were sent to the primary email address listed in Power School. All proof of residency and registration must be complete by May 24, 2023.
    Please call or email Ms. Lewis for assistance! 256-428-08380 or   (Thanks to the 52 families of our 750 that have already completed registration for next year!) 
  • CLASS REGISTRATION: The last day to make a course request change is April 14, 2023. The request must be in writing to Ms. Hunter
  • Scoliosis Screenings!  We are offering scoliosis screenings to all 6th-8th grade students. The screenings is OPT-IN, meaning, if you do not send the letter back signed by February 17th your child will not be screened. Forms may be emailed to Nurse Brown or sent into the front office
  • We need your help - Our students need your help in our cafeteria or working with our special education students. If you are interested in being hired for one of these positions, please contact Ms. Smith
  • Career Fair will be on February 23, Thursday.
  • Color Wars are back for 2022-2023! They will be the first Friday we are in school each month! Grade Levels will compete to show the most grade level spirit by wearing any shirt in their grade level color. 8th grade = black, 7th grade = gray, 6th grade = red. The winning Grade level will have a celebration the following Tuesday during homeroom. Projected Color Wars Dates: Mar. 3, Apr. 14, May 5
  • ONLY ONE MORE MONTH LEFT TO ORDER A YEARBOOK! Order your yearbook and 8th grade student add pages now! Go to Walsworth Yearbooks, search by our school, order your yearbook and a student add page for our current 8th graders now! $70 until 3-2-23; $75 until the ordering time frame is closed.
  • Attendance - We need our students at school to learn and to comply with the state's attendance law. Please email Ms. Chambers with a reason or doctor's note if your child is absent. Thanks for helping us make sure your child's attendance record is accurate!

Greetings Bulls, 

Registration is upon us. Please see the enclosed calendar with the dates for our upcoming parent and student registration information meetings. When selecting courses, help your child select a balanced, manageable schedule. We want our students to be challenged and happy, not overwhelmed! Please note, to drop from an honors class to a grade level class a student must be earning less than a C and a four-week intervention plan is required. The intent of the intervention plan is to help the student, teacher, and parent(s) find ways for the student to become successful and remain in the honors course.  We work tirelessly to ensure your child receives the courses requested, please do not request course changes after April 14, 2024. Course requests made after April 14, 2023 will not be honored. If you have questions about registration that are not answered during one of our information sessions please reach out to Ms. Hunter or Ms. Goglin.

Go Bulls!

Natalie Smith