Safety at HCMS

Safety at HCMS is of paramount importance. Thank you for helping us share the following information with your children:

  • If you ever have a safety concern, report it to an adult in the building immediately.
  • Ms. Smith and Mr. Stricklen are always available to hear student's safety concerns.
  • There are two types of information, first-hand and second-hand. First-hand information is when you hear or see a safety concern with your own eyes or ears. This information is the most valuable and should be reported immediately! Second-hand information is when you hear other students discussing information. 
  • Students and parents may also use the Anonymous Alert App to report concerns on our school webpage.
  • There are topics that are appropriate to discuss at home with friends and family and topics to discuss at school. Please discuss the importance of our students thinking about what they are talking about and where they are saying it.