Principal's Message (February 6)
  • Congratulations to Ms. Stahl and The Game of Life Students! They earned an average of 90% in the national FBI Safe Online Surfing winner for January 2023! 
  • Boys and Girls Track Tryouts! Monday 2/6 3:30-5 at HCMS â€“ Sprinters (100, 200, 4x100), Throwers (discus, shot put), Hurdles (100) Tuesday 2/7 3:30-5 at HCMS – Distance Runners (400, 800, 1600, 4x400), Jumpers (high, long, triple)  Bring an up-to-date physical and water bottle. Tryouts (weather permitting) –  We will be taking the top 3 athletes for each event. Athletes will come to Coach K’s room to sign up for what event(s) they would like to try out for. Athletes may try out for as many events they would like.  
  • Please join us on February 9, 2023 at 5:30 in the HCMS library for a presentation of our school data, recent initiatives, and our pathway forward. We are eager to collaborate with you, receive your feedback, and answer your questions.
  • We need your help - Our students need your help in our cafeteria or working with our special education students. If you are interested in being hired for one of these positions, please contact Ms. Smith
  • It's cold outside! Check your child's clothes before they leave the house. Students should be dressed warmly and in layers so they can adjust to be comfortable! Temperatures throughout our school fluctuate and there may be occasions when we are outside. Let's make sure our students are prepared. 
  • Career Fair will be on February 23, Thursday.
  • Color Wars are back for 2022-2023! They will be the first Friday we are in school each month! Grade Levels will compete to show the most grade level spirit by wearing any shirt in their grade level color. 8th grade = black, 7th grade = gray, 6th grade = red. The winning Grade level will have a celebration the following Tuesday during homeroom. Projected Color Wars Dates: Mar. 3, Apr. 14, May 5
  • Year Books! Order your yearbook and 8th grade student add pages now! Go to Walsworth Yearbooks, search by our school, order your yearbook and a student add page for our current 8th graders now! $70 until 3-2-23; $75 until the ordering time frame is closed.
  • Are your kids up to date on all their vaccines?
    Vaccines are safe and effective in protecting children against a variety of potentially dangerous infectious diseases. The Alabama Chapter-American Academy of Pediatrics (AL-AAP) and the Alabama Department of Public Health encourage parents to keep their children and teens healthy by ensuring they receive vaccines according to the recommended schedule. Vaccines are important as they help children's immune systems fight infections.
  • Attendance - We need our students at school to learn and to comply with the state's attendance law. Please email Ms. Chambers with a reason or doctor's note if your child is absent. Thanks for helping us make sure your child's attendance record is accurate!

Greetings Bulls, 

Registration for the 2023-2024 school year starts this month! Please see the registration information calendar included in this week's Bull Pen for specific information. There are many dates and times for you to come and gather information to help your child with 9th, 8th, 7th, and 6th grade registration. What an exciting time! Please be aware that all registration forms are due by March 3, 2023. Course changes will not be granted after March 3rd in order to build the best master schedule possible for our students and teachers next year! 

Go Bulls!

Natalie Smith