Man working on tablet

Beginning for the week of October 30 - November 5 (Monday - Sunday) 2023

  • Math and Reading teachers will enter one grade per week (Not 6th ELA)
  • The grade is a weekly, classwork, 40% grade during the following week. The students have until Sunday night. 
  • This is an additional grade to go along with your required two weekly grades. 
  • 3 components of the weekly grade: 1.) 50 minutes 2.) 1 passed lesson (not completed) 3.) 2nd passed lesson (not completed)
  • They will earn a 100, 66, 33, or 0 depending on the number of components met.
  • No make-up on this since they cannot double up the next week and add back points.
  • This is to help encourage students to work on their pathways and have growth in learning gaps and grade level standards.