• Are you interested in trying out for our volleyball team? Bring your parent and come to an information meeting  on November 13, 2023, at 5:00 pm in the HCMS Gym. Current team members and our coaches will answer your questions and show you skills you can work on before tryouts to enhance your skills.
  • Thinking about high school? Our 8th grade students may want to consider spending a day "shadowing" at New Century High School.
  • Color Wars is back! Grade levels will compete to show the most grade level spirit by wearing any shirt in their grade level color. 8th grade = black, 7th grade = gray, 6th grade = red. The winning Grade level will have a celebration the following Tuesday during homeroom.  Our next Color War date is November 17.
  • Yearbooks are on sale!
  • Three students were highlighted this week for Being Unbelieve-A-Bull!  Sully Dwyer  helped another student that was not included in group work ; Layla Ortega  reached out to a student sitting along and made her feel welcome; Charlotte Alcorn  helps other students and even younger students in our school!

Greeting Bulls,

November is National Military and Veterans month. HCMS supports over sixty-two military affiliated students, is a Purple Star School, and is hosting our annual Veterans Day Program on November 7, 2023 at 5:00 pm in the HCMS gym. The support of your family at this special event is needed and will be greatly appreciated. We are blessed to be a part of the Hampton Cove Community, Redstone Arsenal, and all the military affiliated organizations and businesses within Huntsville!

Go Bulls! 

Natalie Smith

HCMS inspires, engages, and empowers all students in becoming creative problem solvers, active citizens, and life long learner through rigorous curriculum and relevant instruction within a supportive environment.