• Color Wars! Grade levels will compete to show the most grade level spirit by wearing any shirt in their grade level color. 8th grade = black, 7th grade = gray, 6th grade = red. The winning Grade level will have a celebration the following Tuesday during homeroom.  Our next Color War date is January 26.

  • Yearbooks are on sale now through January 19, 2024!

  • These three students were recognized for being Unbelieve-A-BULL and received a candy bar provided by our PTA!  Riley Abath helped another student while taking notes in class without being asked! 

    Ava Nichelson waits for a student that needs help moving between classes each day without being asked. 

    Jack Oliver is always kind, polite, and helpful. He routinely helps others without asked. 

Greeting Bulls,

We have the opportunity to participate in an ACAP mini-Exam the week of January 8, 2024. Students will participate in three days of testing in math, ELA, and science. Our staff will use this data to drive instruction for the remainder of the year to address our students’ academic growth and proficiency in grade level standards. Thank you for helping us ensure our students arrive at school on time with a full belly and layered clothing. Please avoid absences and checking students in and out on these days so we do not interrupt our testing environment. Thanks for your help. 

Go Bulls!

Natalie Smith

HCMS inspires, engages, and empowers all students in becoming creative problem solvers, active citizens, and life long learner through rigorous curriculum and relevant instruction within a supportive environment.