• Color Wars! Grade levels will compete to show the most grade level spirit by wearing any shirt in their grade level color. 8th grade = black, 7th grade = gray, 6th grade = red. The winning Grade level will have a celebration the following Tuesday during homeroom.  Our next Color War date is February 23.

  • Thank you for all your support! HCMS Collected 

    1,734 hygiene items that we donated to Manna House!  Mr. Johnson's homeroom won the competition by collecting 340 items! They earned a sense of pride by supporting our community and a breakfast party! 

  • State ACAP Testing is Scheduled for 6th Graders April 1-5 and for 7th & 8th Graders April 8-12. Please do not schedule appointments during state testing. Testing rooms will not be interrupted to check students in/out. As always - thank you for your support with this. 

  • Our cheer camp and tryout dates have shifted a bit! Mandatory cheer camp is February 13 & 14 from 3:00-5:00 pm in the HCMS Gym and tryouts are on February 15. Cheerleaders must have a current physical and a guardian must have attended the mandatory cheer meeting. Please reach out to Coach Owings with any questions.

  • These three students were recognized for being Unbelieve-A-BULL and received a candy bar provided by our PTA! Sophia Edwards is quiet but has a BIG presence. I can always depend on her to Do The Right Thing;

    Beth Stucki - stopped top pick up paper towels in the hallway without being asked. Little actions like that make a huge impact; Ethan Haun - built a shelf and chair for Ms. Bell's classroom; D'Angelo Johnson - Mr. Johnson gave up his planning period to help my class (Ms. Redpath) and share his acting skills! 

  • Track Tryouts are February 14 & 15 from 3-00 to 5:00

     at HCMS.

    Please reach out to Coach Costa with any questions.


During our Toro Time we work with all our students’ teaching lessons from iReady whole group and small group to focus on specific standards. Every single teacher in our building is teaching math and ELA daily in Toro Time! They go above and beyond to do what is best for our students and I am grateful for their effort. Our students also work in their individual learning pathways to fill gaps in content mastery. They work for at least 50 minutes and pass two lessons per week in both math and ELA. This often takes time outside school to complete – our students are committed to their education!  (It is not lost on us that our parents help motivate our students to accomplish this task! Thank you for your support.)  iReady has proven to align with our state standards and state testing results. I am excited to share our students’ achievement so far! Just think what we can accomplish together by the end of the year!

Go Bulls!

Natalie Smith

HCMS inspires, engages, and empowers all students in becoming creative problem solvers, active citizens, and life long learners through rigorous curriculum and relevant instruction within a supportive environment.