• Just a friendly reminder that school starts at 8:00 a.m. If your child exits your car after 8:00, you need to sign him/her into school. Please help us start our day on the right foot!

  • Becoming A Bull on May 2 at 4:30 for upcoming 6th graders.

  • Spirit Wear! New HCMS designs are available now. You can order through Ladybugz Designs

  • Library books are due by May 13th!

  • Chromebooks will start being collected the week of May 14th!

  • Please watch our school calendar for upcoming events!

  • These three students were recognized for being Unbelieve-A-BULL and received a candy bar provided by our PTA! Jenna Funderberg saw a student sitting alone during the iReady Celebration. She took it upon herself to sit with the student, ensuring she was not alone; Kennedi Williams has the BEST attitude; Miah Villialta is incredibly kind and generous. She is well liked by her peers and teachers. She is quick to volunteer and always willing to help out when needed ,completing every task with a smile and positive attitude! 

Greetings Bulls,

On Monday and Wednesday next week we will take the iReady End of Year math and reading diagnostics. Students will not move in and out of classrooms while the test is in progress from 8:15-12:00. Thanks in advance for having our students here on time, dressed in layers, and with full bellies! We are excited to look at their growth and achievement with them, and then share it with you. HCMS is a top tier school because our parents and faculty work together to put students first!

Natalie Smith
Go Bulls!

HCMS inspires, engages, and empowers all students in becoming creative problem solvers, active citizens, and life long learners through rigorous curriculum and relevant instruction within a supportive environment.