• August 24 Running of the Bulls

  • Need new Spirit Gear? Visit our Spirit Gear Shop with LadyBugz Design

  • Please send attendance notes for your child's absences to Ms.Chambers

    • The hcms.attendance email is not active

  • HCMS is a No Phone Zone. Thank you for keeping your child on academic tasks and not social media and games

  • Thank you for your patience with the construction in our building

  • Please check our school calendar for upcoming events

Greetings Bulls,

We successfully navigated our first full week of school! Our students…and teachers…are starting to settle into their routines and look a little less tired! 

I am excited to share that we are implementing a Clubs Program this year. Our staff members have carefully planned engaging and fun clubs for our students to take part in during the school day. Each student selected a club that they are interested in, and we did our best to honor those selections. Our first Club meetings will occur on August 23rd and will take place monthly thereafter!

Our staff is really looking forward to engaging with our students in this new setting while helping them make new acquaintances and explore different areas of interest together.

Thank you for your continued support.

Go Bulls!