• Bell Schedule: Week 5 (TT, 6, 7, 1, 2, 5, 3, 4)

  • Boys and Girls soccer tryouts will be held next week. Please check the calendar for details.

  • We need your help. Taking a few minutes to fill out the Federal Impact Aide Form results in $$$ at our school for our students! Please help by completing the form.

  • Winter Holiday Break 21 December - 5 January

  • January 20th is MLK Day - No School

  • We have big news! We earned 96% on our state report card! I am proud to be a small piece of such an amazing school. We accomplished this monumental task by our students, families, and staff working together. I sincerely thank you.

  • Yearbooks are on sale now! Buy yours at Walworths Yearbooks for $65 until December 31. $70 January 1st until March 9, 2025 8th grade Personal Ads are limited this year! We are selling sixty, 1/4 page ads on a first come first serve. When they are gone... they are gone! Buy Today! Ads are $75 and are only for 8th-grade students. 

  • Please send attendance notes for your child's absences to Ms.Chambers.

  • Thank you for your patience with the construction in our building.

  • Please check our school calendar for upcoming events.

Greetings Bulls,

I made a mistake and did not notice the dates for the iReady testing window were changed. I apologize. We will take the diagnostic in January. We will proceed with the ACAP Mini Exam next week - December 9-13 

Testing will occur from 8:00-12:00. You can help by:

  • Avoiding appointments

  • Ensuring a good night of rest

  • Eating breakfast

  • Wearing layers

  • Stressing the importance of doing your best

Go Bulls!

Natalie Smith