• Bell Schedule: Week 4 (TT, 4,6,7,1,5,2 )

  • Annual Career Fair will be April 24.

  • Unbelieve-A-BULL: These students were recognized for being Unbelieve-A-BULL! Carter Cooper can always be found helping other students and adults throughout our school. Aiden Rennier always has a smile on his face, greets me pleasantly, and often helps push in chairs. Randall Fletcher & Davis Messervy noticed the floor was a mess and volunteered to clean it.

  • Parent check the Powerschool Account to support your child in learning to check and monitor his/her grades!

  • Please send attendance notes for your child's absences to Ms.Chambers.

  • Thank you for your patience with the construction in our building.

  • Please check our school calendar for upcoming events.

Greetings Bulls,

Enjoy Spring Break! We will start the last grading period of the school year together on Monday, March 17, 2025!

Go Bulls!

Natalie Smith