We are so excited about our Annual Career Fair, which will be held on Thursday, April 24, 2025. For many years, friends and parents of Hampton Cove Middle School have shared their career experiences with HCMS students. Once again, we'd like to give our children this opportunity by conducting a Career Fair in our gymnasium. It will be held in the HCMS Gym and we will have two sessions, 8:15 - 10:00 am and 10:15 - 12:00pm.

We are hoping you would consider participating in this year's program. We have chosen 16 career clusters, and we would love to have 2-3 businesses represented in each cluster.  If you would be willing to spend one (or both) of the specified times above with us, please take a moment to visit HCMS Career Fair 2025.

We will be happy to reserve a table for you. You may decorate your table (standard 6 foot or 8 foot) any way you'd like.  You may bring props, technology devices, advertisements, goodies, or handouts about your career to distribute to students. Each student will have a bag to carry his/her goodies.  Students will rotate into the gym during their regularly scheduled PE time. For about 45 minutes, they will have a chance to visit each table to learn about specific careers from you, the experts.  No prepared speeches are required.  It is a question/answer format.  The students will ask questions and you will answer.   Just that simple.

If you have any questions, please contact Crystal Hunter or Paula Newman.