This year the National PTA offered over $600K in funding to nearly 500 PTAs across the United States to support PTA programming. Our Highlands Elementary PTA was 1 of only 9 schools in the state of Alabama to be awarded a grant. 35 PTAs were selected as recipients of the STEM+Families: Propelling Our World Grant, which is sponsored by Huntington Ingalls Industries.
We had the first of our STEM nights this past Tuesday. Thank you to EVERYONE who participated and assisted! Special shout out to Mr. Fred Barnes, Elementary Director of Instruction, for supporting our STEM night kick-off! Our awesome Highlands PTA has decided to facilitate a session each Tuesday in January from 4:00 PM-5:00 PM. CST, in our cafeteria. If you missed the first one, you missed tons of fun! So, please mark your calendars for the remaining Tuesday nights and support our Highlands PTA and Scholars.
STEM = Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math
Activity: To build a cookie bridge strong enough to hold a cup of milk.