Club sign up began this month for the 2023-2024 school year. Students were able to digitally browse a list of club offerings and then choose which clubs they'd like to participate in. Students sign up for clubs and tutoring each week on Monday. The link to sign up is posted on the library Schoology page and by advisory teachers.
Mondays are our designated advisory day. Students hear announcements and hear important information about the coming school week. Tuesdays are academic enrichment. Underclassmen work on their iReady pathways while Juniors work on ACT prep. Thursdays are our designated tutoring days. Students should sign up to get help from their teachers or to make up missing assignments. Wednesdays and Fridays are for clubs and fun activities. We have a variety of club offerings this year including robotics, math team, prom committee, art club, HOSA, book club, and many more. Be sure to sign up each week!