Note from the Principal, September 1

Whitesburg Parents and Guardians,

It is so important for your children to be here daily. Of course, we do not want them at school if they are sick. Please try to make appointments before or after school. I know that the state school report card grade is very important to parents. Our daily attendance effects our school report card from the state. In fact, it is a significant factor to that score. Please help us raise our school report grade by making sure your students are at school and on time.

Most teachers use Class Dojo as communication to parents. A couple of teachers use Remind. I have asked teachers to add me to each of their classes Class Dojo and Remind App. I am merely there to see classroom communication and do not check it on a regular basis.

If you have a question or concern for me, please call or email me, as I will not be checking Class Dojo or Remind for parent or student communication.

Please join PTA (see information below). The classrooms are having a competition to get the most families to join. The last time I checked, Ms. Taylor's 3rd grade classroom was in the lead.

Have a great weekend!

I am blessed to serve with best Whitesburg Elementary Family.


Mrs. Jones